Canne’s anime review blog has turned 3 years old!

To my aniblog friends, you are the best!

Yes, this is one of those anniversary posts every blog conjures up each year. It may not be that special for most but for me, I write this post for my own satisfaction. Since we all know that three years in anime blogging is really something to be proud of.

First, let me share some of my blog stats with you. And before you ask, no, I am not showing my total hits because I missed my 50k mark and I haven’t reach 100k just yet so I’ll just keep the numbers to myself.

Overview of my monthly hits

My blog has amazingly steady increase in viewer counts over time. I have no clear explanation to that. Some of my regular referrers, blogroll exchange and some popular post partly contribute to the stat but not entirely. I think it is simply because I have been around long enough.

My all-time top posts as of November 4, 2010

Ironically, two of my top posts in terms of page view are not purely anime post. I obviously received those hits because of the popularity of the movie mentioned in those posts. Until this very day, I am still baffled by the shear amount of people visiting my ‘Cheshire Cat’ post. Come on!, that post was just about me ranting about…nothing in particular and that movie was barely good!

On the other hand, if I rank my post according to comment count, the list turns out very differently;
1. Which anime blogger has the most awesome avatar? (76 comments)
2. Avatar, Real Drive and Nausicaa: a common theme from different world and time (54 comments)
3. What are the best anime you have NEVER seen? (53 comments)
4.Read for battle: Canne is participating the Aniblog Tourney! (45 comments)
5.Graduation Ceremony: I would rather stay home watching anime and blogging (45 comments)
6. Last post of 2009 (40 comments)
7. Trapped in the past: how many gateway anime do we need, exactly? (38 comments)

None of my regular anime review posts which are the staple of my blog made it into the list. Maybe I should put more question marks into my post title so that they would draw more comments >_<

Top search terms

Ths must be the dullest and most generic search term list any anime blogger could imagine. I suppose I should write something more morally ambiguous or more crazy.

And finally, I must thank all of you who visit, read and share your thoughts on my blog. Some of whom have been around from the very beginning such as Yi, Glo, zzeroparticle, Kitsune and Ryan A. Some of whom came into the picture later this year. And some showed up only once in a while but shared such amazing responses and opinions. I thank you all. I had a lot of fun and I know that I am not alone. ^^

See you again in my next post!

45 responses to “Canne’s anime review blog has turned 3 years old!

  1. Congratulations on three years of anime blogging! ^_^

    I think the “awesome avatar” post was really different and refreshing – no one had ever done a post on that topic before.

    BTW, what anime is the first pic from (with the five schoolgirls holding their fists up)? Such a funny picture…

  2. Congratulations~! I knew your blog is pretty old but— “3 years” didn’t quite hit until just now xD
    It’s not like I normally visit here to add to your traffic; I just thought three year is quite commendable given the usual age of anime blogs…

    • Thanks! Three years is indeed a long time and I must admit that I have not been that consistently active all the time. There were ups and downs just like every thing else. ^^

  3. Hey! Another blogger who’s reached the third year! It’s nice to see a lot of good bloggers surviving the 2-year blogger death mark (according to Scamp’s estimation). Anyways, congratulations on the anniversary!


    • =P

      2 years is an average of death time. Rarely do anime blogs reach beyond the 3 year mark. Those who do are in it for the long run.

      So huge congrats Canne! You are now officially an oldfag

    • @Shance – Thanks! It feels nice to be a survivor, despite a few near death experience along the way >_<

      @Scamp – oldfag? At least I am the youngest among the olds :P

  4. Congrats~ Unfortunately I use rather than and they don’t seem to tell me my most visited posts and such. But oh well, at least I do know that, like you, my hits have been increasing ^_^

    • WordPress Stats are available for users as well… Personally, I use Piwik since WordPress Stats only shows page views per month, not visitors/unique visitors/so on.

    • Your blog hits should be increasing since you always post something interesting. ^^
      Anyway, I think is supposed to be more sophisticated than @_@

  5. Congrats. Time sure flies when you’re having fun, no? and dude, that is the dullest most generic search item I’ve ever seen LOL. What a difference between your blog search and mine. You have such innocent and “clean” blog dude so cheers for that too ^^”

  6. Congrats on making it to the third year! It seems that most blogs don’t make it this long or even one year… I hope you keep up the work in the future.

  7. Yes we Canne!

    (I’ve always assumed Canne is pronounced like Can. Correct me if I’m wrong.)

  8. Congratulations! May there be 3+ more years :)

    It is odd to see what ends up being popular on one’s blog.

    • Thank you!
      Sometimes it comes down to how we define the popularity of posts. Well, getting lots of hits is generally good no matter how we look at it :)

  9. Congratulations!!! This is definitely something to brag about. How many blogs can get to three years? What percentage even make two?

    This is really a top anime review blog and let’s both stay for the long run!

    Anyways, clicked into some of the older posts. It seems like only yesterday when I first started visiting here. Kind of nostalgic. ^ ^

  10. Wow Canne.. 3 years is a long time, I had no idea that this blog was so old! o_o congrats :D hopefully you don’t die anytime soon xD

  11. Wow three years? Holy shit I’m not even two years old. You’re older than me!

    Yeah, you’re blog is great. Not much more to say there.

    And I always thought it was pronounced “Cain”. Who’s right, me or Baka-Raptor?

  12. Woah grats on three years! I think my blog will die before it turns one. I had no idea this blog was so old either. Damn, every aniblogger is older than I am. Guess I’m the Justin Bieber of the blogosphere.

    Anyway, congratulations on becoming a pillar of the aniblogosphere and stuff like that. Or , like Scamp puts it , “oldfag” . :D

    • ‘I had no idea this blog was so old either’
      Does that mean that my blog look young and fresh? I’ll take it as a complement :P

      I am no pillar, really. It takes more than length of stay to be a pillar, it takes great talent, passion, dedication and probably lots of free time -_-

      ps. Relax! What you put into your blog will last no matter how long your blog stay active.

  13. Congrats :) And mentioning things that “normal people” search for, like Cheshire Cat, or multiple movies/series names helps.

    Keep going strong! I hope to return to my own view count, though my most visited month is 3,836 views :(

    Keep going strong!

    • Thanks:)
      Numbers do not matter that much though posting something about Queen’s Blade, even the most innocent post, will give you a spike in hits :P

      ps. I am glad you have returned from your hibernation.

  14. Congrats!! ^__^ It seems to me that a lot of bloggers start at this time a year. But maybe that’s just cause I had my one year right now too hehehe.

    I may not comment a lot but I love reading your thoughts about anime :D Look forward to seeing more ^__^

    • Thanks! and really good to talk to you again since it has also been a while I commented on your blog.

      Looking at all the comments, it does feel like a reunion party…lots of old friends ^_^

  15. I could have sworn that I wrote my congratulations several days ago. Maybe I hit refresh or accidentally closed the tab or something. But anyway, a belated congratulations on your three year anniversary! I had no idea you were blogging for so long (though I am comparatively new to the community.) Keep it up, and here’s to many more years.

    • Thanks!
      My early years of blogging was rough and totally irregular. It was almost like a one way communication where I only posted what I wanted and never really spoke out anywhere else. I am not surprise that no one recognized me back then and I received no response whatsoever from those handful of readers I had. It was not until my second year that I started to frequent other places in the community and things started rolling afterward.

  16. I’m so late ;___; Congratulations Canne! You’re right, three years is rather significant in the animeblogging world, so good job! You’ve cranked out really enjoyable posts imo, and I appreciate it :)

    I know RL can become busy at times, but keep up the good work :)


  17. These are some amazing blog stats, grats!

  18. I am sorry that this is late (I am very busy with graduate school), but I still would like to congratulate you on your anniversary and wish you many more posts! I like your reviews, and thanks to them I added some titles on my watchlist :) You life must be quite busy too, so I am very impressed that you have uber time management skills to find some time for anime :) I hope your residency is going well – good luck! :)

    • Thanks!
      I noticed that you have been quiet for a while but I was very sure that you must have been busy (going through hell XD). I managed to stay active in busy months thanks to the few stored reviews I kept in my draft section. But the inconsistency is still starkly obvious -_-

  19. Congrats on your 3rd year! Keep it up and aim for a 4th!

  20. Grats on newly updated statistics!! :)

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