Link Exchange

Link Exchange

There is no fixed policy regarding link exchange. I usually add blogs I find exceptionally interesting to the list but anyone who has my blog in his/her blogroll will most likely be added to mine. But of course, I’d naturally expect blogs with solid and regular works. Just let me know.

Here’s my banner (not very pretty, I know)

56 responses to “Link Exchange

  1. added to blog roll! Don’t know why I didn’t before. lol!

  2. I like your reviews/suggestions. Throwing you up on my blog roll.

  3. Added you to my Favourites Canne :)

    I don’t really expect anything in return, still wanted to let you know that it’s there.

    Reason is obvious, great reviews! Keep it up!

    • Oh, I forgot to mention – My favourites = blogroll, just saying to avoid misunderstanding (You’re in my Browser favourites long time ago, obviously ^o^’)

      Sorry for double comment, feel free to delete it :)

  4. Hey, I’ve been a visitor to this blog recently and found it interesting/nice =)
    Would like to exchange links to each blog?

  5. Added to blogroll =D

  6. ooo nice blog u hav here? mind a link exchange? mine’s at

    already added u to my blogroll

  7. hello i would like to do link exchange

  8. Hey, hope you don’t mind me adding you to my blogroll :D Nice blog.

  9. I’m adding you to my blogroll :)

  10. infinitecognition

    I’d also like to do a link exchange.

  11. Added you to my blogroll :D

  12. I keep seeing this blog around, and have read a few posts, but I think it’s high time I subscribe and blogroll this. Great place you have here. I also prefer not to review individual episodes, and feel that to really judge an anime it needs to be done while considering the whole.

  13. Added you on my blogroll, sir~

  14. Hi there–can’t tell you how much I was sort of shocked when I saw you’d commented on my blog. Anyway though, you’re on my blogroll and I wondered if there was any possibility of me being added to yours?

    Arianna :)

  15. Just started reading your blog. Nice work. I added you to my blog roll. Link exchange would be awesome. Cheers :)

  16. I think what I’m about to say is fairly obvious :)
    Would you like to exchange links with me? Oh, and lte’s not forget the magical word ‘PLEASE’ ^^

    I’ll just go add you to my blogroll *RUNS OFF*


  17. Oh, wow. That was quick :D
    I’ve no idea as to where you would like me to reply so in the meantime, I’ll leave things here.
    Unfortunately, no, I myself am not from the US (though two others are from Amercia). I’m actually Australian, you see :)
    And as for exchanging links, no problem ;) We’re definitely patient enough.
    Then until we meet again :)

  18. Added to my blogroll.
    Your Utawarerumono image in the second to last post maked my day. :D

  19. Added to my blogroll
    I especially like your conversational posts. The self arguments are enjoyable reads. I may have to try it sometime.

    Happy Blogging!

  20. Catherine Meyers

    Hi Canne,
    was checking your blog and I have to say your reviews are great, they indeed worked for me when I had to pick an anime to watch (like Kara no Kyokai, which I didn’t even knew it existed). Also, are you interested in a link exchange? let me know if you do. Keep it up, great blog!


  21. Hi, just recently started my own blog. I find your site interesting and your reviews are great. Would you mind, exchanging links? I already added you to my blogroll. Thanks!

  22. relative noob here, but it’s awesome to find another MD anime watcher/blogger. you’re on my blogroll!

  23. Hey, I added your blog on my blogroll!

  24. HI Canne, I linked you up AT my site, at hope you will also do the same. thank you. i LIKE THE way you reviewed anime episode.


  25. You won’t mind if I add you to my blogroll, huh? Yeah, didn’t think so :D

  26. Hi There!
    Enjoying the site, come check us out over at MangaUK.
    Would appreciate a link if you enjoy :)

    Keep it up!


  27. I’m gonna add you to my roll! …er, blogroll, that is. Heehee~ Enjoyin’ the random anime reviews. Just like how I watch ’em. In no particular order or season.

    Keep up the good work, Canne-san! ^_^

  28. Nice blog!! I added you to my blogroll!! Link exchange?? I would appreciate it :)

  29. I added you to my blogroll. Could you do me a favor and link to (NOT and have the link text read “The Otaku HQ”?


  30. Hi i’ll add you soon into my blog roll
    i’m at start just worte 1 post but after i’ll get more time and make about 7-10 posts i’ll add you to my blogg roll

  31. Gah!!! is that the goat from Last Exile? On your banner?

  32. Hi, would you like to link exhange?

  33. tsurugiarashix

    Wish to exchange links? Feel free to say no.

  34. Added you to my blog krap. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Drop by my blog anytime.

  35. Mind if we exchange links? I’ll add you to my partner list. Here’s my link:

    Figure Culture

  36. Would you like to exchange links? You have some real interesting posts here! Thanks!

  37. Hi,

    I would like to link exchange to our site

    Please email me if you are interested at

    Thank you and looking forward for a positive response.


  38. Wondering if you wanted to link me? I basicly talk about anime trivia/facts?

  39. Very nice website. I like your posts. Care to exchange links?

    My email:
    We will place your website as a banner on the left sidebar of our website.


  40. Hey! I’d like to exchange links if that’s cool. I’ve added your banner to my sidebar, so mine is here:
    Thanks a bunch!

  41. ok have added your banner on my sidebar! keep up the great work.

  42. My blog, Hope to exchange textlink with your blog

  43. Mind exchanging links?

  44. Hey ! I love your blog :) Mind exchanging links with me? I already had yours on mine a long time ago. I just don’t have the courage to ask >.<

  45. I’d like to exchange links, my blog is at :3

  46. Are you interesting in exchanging links?
    My blog is at :
    I hope you’ll accept^-^

  47. Another request for a link exchange:
    I haven’t been operating for very long at all but I do try to post daily. I’ve already added you to my blogroll as well.

  48. Hey there Canne, i’ve just started a new blog over at, and I like the look of your blog so i’m hoping you’d be interested in a link exchange.
    Keep up the good work!

  49. Hey Canne I own a manga website and would like to know if you are okay with exchanging links with us. We might do some serious work together. :)

  50. Here is my link if you want to take a look at it:

  51. Hi Canne, I’m an avid lurker of your blog and finally had the courage to ask for a link exchange. soooo, would you care for a link exchange? i hope you don’t mind but i’ll add you to my blogroll now(:

  52. Hey! I just started blogging about anime 3 months ago and would appreciate it if you would give me a feedback on my blog : ( ) – Thank You :)

  53. Hoping to exchange blogrolls if you like my content. I blog about anime and programming in general!

    Check out my posts if u got some free time!

  54. Hello, I created blog about a certain light novel analysis and blogroll for exchanging link. I want to exchange link if you don’t mind. I see your blog is clean and update, that’s why I love your blog.

    This is my blog.

    New Project, New Look.

    Hope to receive your answer soon. :3

    Ps. if you accept my request, how about exchange follow blog too?

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